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About Us

We Improve People’s Lives Through Experiential Design

GNU Group helps people find their way by planning, designing, and building possibilities through a human-centered design approach to environmental branding, architectural signage, and wayfinding strategy.

GNU Group has a 50-year-plus history of impacting people’s lives—founded in our practice of design and creativity. Our success has been a product of award-winning, inventive and innovative design. Design that solves problems. Design that is appropriate to the situation and context. Design and language that works. 

Team Members
Years in Business
Markets We Serve
Cumulative Years of Experience


Our Team. GNU’s culture is open and collaborative. Our style is informal but always with purpose, energy and focus.

Creativity. Our success has been a product of award-winning, inventive and innovative design. Design that solves problems.

Collaboration. GNU embraces collaboration with other consultants and value our client’s role as part of our team and process.

Specialists. We understand construction and the critical issues of the interface between signs and the spaces they occupy.

Implementation. We are structured to provide turn-key solutions to respond to our clients’ demands for single-source responsibility.

Our Pledge. Our practice is founded on three guiding mandates: thought leadership, creative design solutions, and a pain-free program management experience.

About Impec Group

In 2021, GNU Group was acquired by Impec Group, the Future of Work Company. Since its founding in 1991, Impec Group has been delivering world-class end-to-end workplace solutions that inspire. Impec Group’s mission is to deliver human-centric workplace solutions based on clients’ needs in support of the lifecycle of the workplace. Through Impec Group, we can connect you to additional service experts in:

Workplace Strategy & Technology

Project & Move Management

Operations & Maintenance

Specialty Maintenance

Talent Acquisition

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